Block Captains are neighbors who stay in touch with happenings on their blocks. If you are new to the neighborhood they can likely help you become familiar with day-to-day life in Anneslie.
Block Captains are responsible for collecting block news for inclusion in The Anneslie Times newsletter. If you have any personal news that you would like to share with the other residents of the neighborhood, please provide this information to your Block Captain. News items often include announcements about marriages, births, graduations, deaths, as well as welcoming & introducing new families who have moved in, sending best wishes to families who are moving away, and other “shout-outs” to residents on the block.
Block Captains also help distribute The Anneslie Times, annual dues notices, and other hard-copy materials to your doorsteps.
The Anneslie Community Association appreciates the time and effort put forth by our Block Captains. Please be sure to thank them the next time you see them!
Block Captain Liaison - Rachel Rock Palermo, rachel@rachelrockphotography.com
Overbrook Road
Amy & Fred Kline - 500 Block
Jarrod Wunderlich - 600 Block
Delphine Everarts de Velp - 700 Block
Regester Avenue
Ellen & Jim Sheridan - 500 Block
Sue McGovern - 600 Block
Beth Stiles - 700 Block
Windwood Road
Mary Carol & Bob Venanzi - 500 Block
Stephanie Dieter - 600 Block
Anneslie Road
Elizabeth Almeter - 500 Block
Brandi & Will Knipscher - 600 Block
Maria Brown - 700 Block
Dunkirk Road
Kelly Montgomery - 500 Block
Kristen & Tom Fan - 600 Block
Gail Vernick - 700 Block
Murdock Road
Karen Buch - 500 Block
Mike Kahn - 600 Block
Jen Hudak - 700 Block